Charborough Road Primary School

Squirrels (EYFS)

Our Reception Class

We would like to give a warm welcome to all our families joining the Charborough Road family and to all the children joining Squirrels’ class. We are here to support your child’s learning as they embark on their learning journey and we aim to make your child’s time at school as exciting and engaging as possible. Your child will have the opportunity to explore a range of activities that are based around their interests. We will visit the field regularly to engage in forest school activities and will also do lots of outdoor learning in our outside area and under the canopy and they will have access to water, small world and role play.


We hope to all have fun together, learning through play based activities and that the children will become confident and resilient learners.

We get asked a lot about reading and when children will be able to read. Firstly, all children will learn to read at different speeds so please don’t compare your child ‘s reading progress to another child. The most important thing at this stage is to help your child enjoy reading. Please try to read together at least 5 times a week. We find that incorporating this in the bed time routine is usually a great time to do it and helps with settling littles ones down. In the early days, you can read and then talk about what is happening in the pictures. If you have any questions or concerns about reading or anything else, please come and ask.

Jo Martin – Class Teacher

Class Newsletter Term 4